
Bird Box Reparation


During the 'Covid Lockdown' young people have been painting and decorating bird boxes.

These were distributed to members of an Adult Disability Centre, who have put the bird boxes up in their gardens.

"Would just like to say a massive THANK YOU to the YOT team and to the children that decorated the bird boxes.  The intention was that we were going to sell the boxes to bring in funds to support Creative Arts.  Because of Covid we had to close the service and we didn’t know how long it would be before we open again. so we decide to use them in a different way."

"Obviously all of our people were stuck at home fed up and bored so we started sending out activity packs to support peoples wellbeing".

"This was a great success and is continuing to grow. We sent out the boxes so that people could encourage wild life into their gardens. They were gratefully accepted and we have had lots of feedback about them. One person said they took theirs to their Allotment and it didn’t take long before a family of birds moved in.  Another family put theirs up in the garden.   Within a few weeks they started getting blue tits checking it out and have since moved in and had a family. They have loved watching how busy the birds are."

Ruth Conover

Assistant Disability Day Opportunities Manager – Projects


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