Advice and Support
Bullying UK - https://www.bullying.co.uk/ - Online bullying advice
Young Minds - https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/feelings-and-symptoms/bullying/ - Online bullying advice
CEOP - https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/Should-I-make-a-report-to-CEOP-YP/ - Report online bullying
NSPCC - https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/bullying-and-cyberbullying/ - Online bullying advice and other resources
Hope Again - https://www.hopeagain.org.uk/ - Online Bereavement support for young people
Winstons wish - https://www.winstonswish.org/ - Support for young people who have lost a parent or sibling including free helpline
Cruse - https://www.cruse.org.uk/ - Online chat and telephone bereavement support
Money Matters i.e. debt advice
Step Change - https://www.stepchange.org/ - Supporting people to become debt free and manage payments
The Money advice Service - https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en - Online support for managing money including Debt
National Debtline - https://www.nationaldebtline.org/ - online support to manage debt
Sandwell Welfare Rights - https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/info/200145/benefits_and_grants/2184/benefits_advice - Free independent and impartial advice and support on all welfare benefits
Housing & Homelessness
Sandwell Council - https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/news/article/5593/if_you_are_homeless_or_sleeping_rough_-_sandwell_council_is_here_to_help - support if you are homeless or sleeping rough
Sandwell Housing - https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/housing - for everything housing related in Sandwell
Centre Point - https://centrepoint.org.uk/ - homeless charity helping young people who are homeless, sofa surfing or at risk of either
Shelter - https://england.shelter.org.uk/ - Housing advice including homelessness
YMCA (Black Country) - homeless charity helping those who are homeless, sofa surfing or at risk of either, offering accommodation and training
Black Country food bank - https://www.blackcountryfoodbank.org.uk/ - Directory of food banks in the Black Country
The Trussell Trust - https://www.trusselltrust.org/ - Directory of food banks in the UK
West Bromwich food bank – 0121 580 0068
Self Harm
Self injury support -- https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk/ - Support for women and girls
National self harm network - https://www.nshn.co.uk/ - support for individuals and families
Samaritans - https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/if-you-want-self-harm/ - Online and freephone from mobile support line
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